Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Dark Matter

For anyone who drives around Detroit, in particular the East side or other scarcely populated neighbourhoods at night, you'll notice that it is incredibly dark and you could be forgiven for thinking your on a rural country road. The difference is that your actually in a tense urban area with lots of real and lurking danger. Some of this is due to crumbling infrastructure, lack of attention from the city and intentional vandalism that then gets neglected amongst the other things to deal with. Recently it has become apparent that scrappers have targeted the copper (of course) in transformer cabinets and have begun stealing materials that are integral to the freeway overhead lights. The result is darker highways.

In Detroit's attempts at resurrecting neighbourhoods and community cohesion it seems like a simple and important matter to first have basic services that allow people to feel safe and comfortable venturing outside after dark. Darkness leads to isolation.
Read more about the stuff here.

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