Monday, October 22, 2012

And were back...

It's been awhile since the last posting. So, if there are still you intrepid followers out there, look for some more interesting and developing info on upcoming stuff. Just got back from a quick trip for some more photos. Much more to follow soon, including a cool announcement on the project. Enjoy.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

where are the manholes?

After spending some prolonged time in Detroit the initial shock and awe of the visual destruction starts to fade and you get to have a more acute view of the little things that aren't so initially obvious upon first pass. One of these discoveries is that there are very view manholes left in Detroit. The reason?..well it's difficult to say other than manholes are usually made of cast iron and so likely scrappers have removed them in an effort to resell. In many cases it is  common to see old tires jammed into open manhole openings to serve as warning and prevent people, or cars from getting stuck or falling in.

Another bi-product of this is that often additional debris accumulates and catch basins get clogged. In heavy rains most of the underpass roads that travel under the downtown rail lines become a swamp of dirty water, old discarded mattresses and other disposed garbage.

It's an urban hazard that only exists in Detroit.   Recently it resulted in a man's death falling into a manhole after his keys fell in:

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New stuff coming soon!

Happy New Year! We have been remiss in posting as of late. Sometimes life gets in the way, however there will be some new work coming soon. More posts too about the updated state of things in the 313. Photos for the final project and exhibit are coming together and will post news soon of what to expect. Stay tuned!